Date: February 26, 2009
Chair: David Anderson
Treasurer: Jim Whitely
Location: Jewel of India Restaurant, NYC
About 35 OAH members and guests gathered at the Jewel of India in NYC for the annual east coast dinner. David Anderson chaired the dinner and first commented that there was a tie for the OAH member travelling the furthest specifically to attend the dinner. They are Gordon Nebeker and Sam Heffner, and wife Donna, from Florida. Also noted was Ralph White who won the "return to the fold" award for returning after 8 years. Jim Whitely was thanked for coordinating the dinner arrangements. Members were reminded to speak with David Finch if they had questions on dues.
Rick Wheeler spoke about the anecdote project he chairs and encouraged members and their significant others to make email or snail mail submissions to him. He noted there was a drop-off of submissions after the project was launched so now is a good time for members to think back and document their best, and most humorous, experiences. It was also noted that Rick just celebrated a "rounder" birthday and we all wished him and Betty Ann many more happy years.
David Anderson